An Advent Candle

– This article is work in progress – Insprired by Adafruit Animated Light Pendant and Moritz Waldemeyer Led Candle I thought about a candle that detects pressure and blowing and how nice an „Adventskranz„* out of these would look. Adafruit’s and Moritz’s version are basically recorded video frames and some smart transitions; to make that […]

Raspberry Pi Eyes for Halloween

We’re using the Adafruit animated eyes bonnet with Processing and cam on the Raspberry Pi to render custom comic eyes 👀 Code can be found here: Even though a little late for Halloween but maybe just right for German Carneval. So I’m using the Adafruit Eye Bonnet. Follow their direction on how to install […]

ScanSnap ix1500 an Fritzbox

Falls ihr wie ich Stunden damit zubringt um einen Fujitsu ScanSnap ix1500 an eurem WiFi via FritzBox zu verbinden – hier die Lösung: Da mich das heute 2,5 Stunden Lebenszeit gekostet hat und sich die Antwort in einer Bewertung auf Amazon versteckt (vielen Dank Mike B. wo immer du bist, hast mir auf jeden Fall […]