An Advent Candle

This article is work in progress

Insprired by Adafruit Animated Light Pendant and Moritz Waldemeyer Led Candle I thought about a candle that detects pressure and blowing and how nice an „Adventskranz„* out of these would look.

Adafruit’s and Moritz’s version are basically recorded video frames and some smart transitions; to make that react to pressure / wind it somehow needs to be generative or have different animation phases that could be transitioned.

So, the topics to tacle:
  • What are the formal rules of a candle flame?
  • Do we want Pressure detection (like door opening) or direct blowing (microphone)

To further explore the rules of a candle flame I wrote a small p5 sketch. Translating that to an Arduino Sketch is then a next problem.

*a very typical German Christmas decoration – a wreath of fir greens decorated with four candles; on each Sunday in December another candle is lit until all four are lit on Christmas.

Raspberry Pi Eyes for Halloween

We’re using the Adafruit animated eyes bonnet with Processing and cam on the Raspberry Pi to render custom comic eyes 👀

Code can be found here:

Even though a little late for Halloween but maybe just right for German Carneval. So I’m using the Adafruit Eye Bonnet.

Follow their direction on how to install all the stuff:

The trick we want to make use of is burried in fbx2.c / the compiled binary version of it fbx2. This is scrappping parts of the main screen and is rerouting that to the two connected OLED displays (check fbx2.c to get an idea what’s going on).

Because I’m a lazy fuck I didn’t change their scripts yet (also this allows to switch to their pretty cool but more or less random eye movement by simply changing one filename)

// To-do: I think I could utilize some image detection add-on board, a cam like pyCam or just add some python tensorflow lite stuff with Picam (I intend to become moar familiar with it at some point. Btw. also this Pun was intended 🥳
If one thinks about cleaning up -> check to not install all the stuff we’re not using and the fbx2.c file

👍Alright, so since we’re lazy and we’re using simple Processing, we’re just renaming the python file that would be called normally. In my case thats the „“ in boot/Pi_Eyes. So whats happening is that raspberry normally would run on boot but since we’re renaming it it won’t get called (I know, it’s a really ugly hack 🙂 )

$ cd /boot/Pi_Eyes/  #moving to the Pi_Eyes folder
$ sudo mv  #renaming the file
$ sudo reboot now  #rebooting to take effect

Instead, we start a processing sketch that renders what ever we want at exactly the locations that fbx2 grabs the graphic information and copies it to the two OLEDs; check out the Processing sketch to witness my crimes

That’s all folks

ScanSnap ix1500 an Fritzbox

Falls ihr wie ich Stunden damit zubringt um einen Fujitsu ScanSnap ix1500 an eurem WiFi via FritzBox zu verbinden – hier die Lösung:

Da mich das heute 2,5 Stunden Lebenszeit gekostet hat und sich die Antwort in einer Bewertung auf Amazon versteckt (vielen Dank Mike B. wo immer du bist, hast mir auf jeden Fall den Samstag gerettet) hier nochmal als Repost; ohne oben markierte 2,4GHz Settings gehts nicht