An Advent Candle

This article is work in progress

Insprired by Adafruit Animated Light Pendant and Moritz Waldemeyer Led Candle I thought about a candle that detects pressure and blowing and how nice an „Adventskranz„* out of these would look.

Adafruit’s and Moritz’s version are basically recorded video frames and some smart transitions; to make that react to pressure / wind it somehow needs to be generative or have different animation phases that could be transitioned.

So, the topics to tacle:
  • What are the formal rules of a candle flame?
  • Do we want Pressure detection (like door opening) or direct blowing (microphone)

To further explore the rules of a candle flame I wrote a small p5 sketch. Translating that to an Arduino Sketch is then a next problem.

*a very typical German Christmas decoration – a wreath of fir greens decorated with four candles; on each Sunday in December another candle is lit until all four are lit on Christmas.

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